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  • Suspect MIA

Could this Mean the End for Miami’s Favorite Meat-Free Deli?

by Amanda Levy

If you’re familiar with Atlas Meat-Free Deli then you know it’s been a cult-favorite among Miami’s vegan community for years now. But over the years this beloved family-owned business has faced quite a few drawbacks, having no other choice but to shut-down their operation on multiple occasions.

A farewell post was published to their Instagram account this past Wednesday, November 20, 2019. The caption reads, “Well... what can I say. Too much working against us. Going to need some time to figure it all out, but as it stands for now, this is our last week.”

Here’s what you need to know, in July of 2018, Atlas faced an up-hill battle with the City of Miami. This was a dispute regarding withheld permits and the building in which this long time food-truck was hoping to establish itself as a sit-down eatery. Unfortunately, the dispute ended in defeat. Earlier this year in March, Atlas Meat-Free Deli was forced to temporarily close, following a robbery that resulted in their food truck and electrical system being stripped of its copper wiring. It was shortly after the reopening that the Atlas food truck was vandalized once again.

What is perhaps most heartbreaking about Atlas Meat-Free Deli’s story, is the fact that their business model, since the beginning, has always been rooted in ethical-practice. They are not only an example of what a business should be, but an equally unnerving reflection of the far-too-often mistreatment of local small businesses all over the city of Miami.

The original good-bye post caption offers but a glimmer of hope: “I am going to need some time so I can sort out this mess to ensure Atlas Meat-Free doesn’t disappear forever. But for right now, this will be a temporary closing. It’s not over. Just over for right now. Thank you all for your continued support.”

Shortly after publishing this announcement, Atlas Meat-Free Deli received an overwhelming amount of support from it’s following. The account followed up with a second temporary farewell, the post offers further insight for the future of this local delicacy. “I truly appreciate everyone. Customers. Co-workers, past and present. Everyone. Thank you. It has been an honor to serve Miami some of the best vegan food we could put out there. This isn’t a permanent ending. I promise all of you I will do whatever it takes to get back up and to continue what we started 6 years ago.”

He goes on to explain their current circumstances, “We were taken for a ride with the people that we worked with on this building. Unfortunately, that’s the way the cookie crumbled. I’m currently looking at new spaces for us in the Miami area. Keep posted, and I will let everyone know as soon as. Hear something.”

If there is anything to learn from the struggles of Atlas Meat-Free Deli, it is that there is no shame in getting back up and trying again. There is no denying that Atlas has always pulled itself up by the bootstraps, no matter the obstacle or odds. Although the future of Atlas Meat-Free Deli remains unclear, what’s certain is that this wouldn’t be the first time, as they always get back up again.

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